Monday, November 10, 2008

Relationship-Centric Companies: The Serial

Ok, so I'm a bit too young to remember the age of "The Serials," but I'm going to steal that good idea. I recently co-authored a white paper that intends to describe what value Interaction Management and Interaction Delivery -- concepts I've blogged about here previously -- can bring to a company, and specifically what kinds of companies might best benefit from those concepts and from the software that supports them. And, I thought that instead of just linking to that white paper, or just embedding it all in one post, I'd try the old serialized approach.

To that end, today I'll start with an overview of the whole thing, and then I'll come back with portions of it over the next few days/weeks. Enjoy!

Through this "serial," I will talk about an emerging business pattern called Relationship-centric Interaction Delivery, provide examples of how this pattern spans industry sectors, and explain how the pattern brings value to a business’s internal relationships and their strategic relationships with partners and customers. I'll include brief case studies that describe how my company has used this pattern to achieve significant reductions in cost and time-to-value for our customer base.

By following along, I hope that you will get some insight into:
  • How the relationship pattern has broad applicability across different industries
  • That there are identifiable characteristics common to the relationship-centric pattern
  • That the relationship pattern represents businesses and affiliates engaging in and driving strategic interactions with their value-based investments (customers and business partners) in order to deliver recombinant business offerings to them
  • How software can facilitate the relationship-centric model and provide agile interaction delivery (so you don't have to do all this "without a net")
  • How relationship-centric companies can achieve quantifiable return on investment by intelligently applying enabling technology to address their needs

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