Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Gee, Ya Think?!

Ok, ok, I'm going to try not to be too "I told ya so," on this one, but it's really hard not to. I'm seeing more and more titles like the one on the article here:,289142,sid26_gci1238154,00.html?track=sy80

that say basically "XYZ Sees SOA and BPM Going Well Together," and I just catch myself saying (aloud sometimes) "Gee, ya think?!"

This really could be a topic for an entire book, not just a blog entry, but it did seem worth jotting down that while I'm glad to see more and more analysts and experts coming around, it is a bit frustrating to see it having taken this long -- and maybe more frustrating to see each of them announcing it as if they were the first ones to come up with the idea. It just makes good sense, and it's about time!

More on this topic soon, guaranteed!

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